100 tips to be and stay creative:
1. Lose your fear of being wrong.
2. Carry a notebook everywhere.
3. Listen to new music.
4. Get away from the computer.
5. Quit beating yourself up.
6. Take breaks.
7. Be open.
8. Surround yourself with creative people.
9. Break the rules.
10. Got an idea? Write it down.
11. Don’t give up.
12. Go somewhere new.
13. Take risks.
14. Practice, practice, practice.
15. Clean your workspace.
16. Have fun.
17. Finish something.
18. Go outside.
19. Trust yourself.
20. Believe and say ‘yes’ even if you think it won’t work.
21. Ask questions.
22. Look at things different than you did before.
23. Experiment.
24. Create an inspiration board.
25. Socialize.
26. Get a new hobby.
27. Challenge yourself.
28. Sketch more.
29. Use sticky notes.
30. Stop comparing yourself to others.
31. Get lots of rest.
32. Be different.
33. Enjoy what you’re doing.
34. Make mistakes.
35. Read a page in the closest book.
36. Buy a new pen.
37. Write for 3 minutes, non-stop.
38. Stop planning, start doing.
39. Think outside the box.
40. Stop trying to achieve perfection.
41. Take more pictures.
42. Eat good food.
43. Dance like nobody’s watching.
44. Take more pictures.
45. Walk in the rain.
46. Write letters to friends far away.
47. Imagine that all is possible.
48. Talk to a little kid.
49. Think simple.
50. Create something.
51. Daydream.
52. Be happy.
53. Waste your time wisely.
54. Stop trying to ‘be creative’.
55. Watch a animated movie.
56. Sport.
57. Laugh.
58. Make a wordweb.
59. Read more.
60. Write songs to your pets.
61. Make a list of things you love.
62. Make a collage.
63. Get up early and watch the sun rise.
64. Eat with your hands.
65. Read poetry out loud.
66. Stop watching television.
67. Spend time alone.
68. Paint on rocks.
69. Go experiment with Photoshop.
70. Make other people happy.
71. Study shapes and forms.
72. Admire the color palette of butterfly wings.
73. Go to an antique shop.
74. Sing in the shower.
75. Do a random act of creative kindness.
76. Spend time in nature.
77. Try a new ice cream flavor.
78. Reflect daily.
79. Brainstorm.
80. Express gratitude.
81. Create a goal.
82. People watch.
83. Listen to others.
84. Look for patterns around you.
85. Don’t go sit in a dark place.
86. Collect moment, not things.
87. Learn new things.
88. Do yoga.
89. Make music.
90. Jump on a trampoline.
91. Create something with lego.
92. Act like you’re someone else.
93. Switch up your meals. Eat breakfast for dinner.
94. make up a song.
95. Visit a museum.
96. Quit beating yourself up.
97. Meditate.
98. Sleep.
99. Work together.
100. Anyone can make the simple complicated. Creativity is making the complicated simple. Try that.
-X- Miss La Rosa